Italian Mafia Night

941 Santa Fe Dr, Denver 941 Santa Fe Drive, Denver, Colorado

Author Sam Carlino is the grandson of Colorado’s most notorious bootlegger Pete Carlino. He will discuss the Carlino brothers control of illegal alcohol in Colorado during prohibition and the impact that it had on the community as well as it affected his father and uncles.  Come hear Sam Carlino talk about the struggles the Carlino […]


Power Zen

941 Santa Fe Dr, Denver 941 Santa Fe Drive, Denver, Colorado

Power Zen is a music-driven power vinyasa yoga experience led by denver-based teacher Lindsey Lee and DJ'ed by her brother and collaborator, Hunter Lee. With 11 years of teaching experience around Denver, Lindsey combines her love for intelligent & balanced yoga sequences, pilates-based strength-movements, and inquisitive psychological & spiritual themes to create a unique and […]


Artist Playground Showcase: DJ MITNZ and Huntskē

941 Santa Fe Dr, Denver 941 Santa Fe Drive, Denver, Colorado

Join us for a night of music, connections, and libations in our beautiful Clubhouse. As our Pen to Paper divulges into our Artist Playground Soren West aka DJ MITNZ will take to the decks to curate an invigorating atmosphere to stimulate good conversation, connections and presence. After a 90 minute showcase, Huntskē will take to […]

Coffee Cupping with Seth Gregg

941 Santa Fe Dr, Denver 941 Santa Fe Drive, Denver, Colorado

Coffee and Awareness Explore flavor and aroma through the lens of self awareness as Seth Gregg leads a cupping (tasting) of three coffee's from a small farm in Santa Rosa de Cabal, Colombia. Cupping coffee is a simple, standardized way of tasting coffee that is often practiced in remote markets by coffee buyers who need […]


Full Moon Meditation with Mango and Zay

941 Santa Fe Dr, Denver 941 Santa Fe Drive, Denver, Colorado

Ignite your inner aura with the spirit of the first full moon of 2024 as you enjoy a live soundscape that carries you through somatic breath and gentle movement to prepare the mind and body for a guided yoga nidrā meditation. Nidra in sanskrit means sleep and a 30 minute practice is equivalent to 4hrs […]

Free – $33.00

Baby Rave

Mercury Cafe 2199 California St., Denver, CO, United States

Our friends at Mercury Cafe are hosting a morning dance party for kiddos 5ish and younger (and their adults)! This fun event will be a way to get some wiggles out on a Saturday morning. We have an amazing family friendly DJ and the music will be played at a reasonable level. Kids (and adults) […]


941 Santa Fe Dr, Denver 941 Santa Fe Drive, Denver, Colorado

Vitalize Micro Wellness Retreat Vitalize is a three-part micro wellness retreat. Think of it as a car wash for your body and mind. Over the session, you’ll be guided from one area to the next, giving your body a refresh from head to toe, inside and out. Please pick the session time that works best […]

$25.00 – $80.00

Gaga – Open Adult Dance Class Vol.04

Class will orient around how movement feels, rather than how it looks. There are no mirrors, and participants are guided to connect their movements to their sensations (flesh, skin, bones, temperature, sight, etc. ) while amplifying the quality, range, dynamic, and texture of their movements. We move together, continuously for the whole session without pauses […]


A Conversation on Death and Dying with Eric Rooney (Half Moon Farm and Regeneration Earth)

941 Santa Fe Dr, Denver 941 Santa Fe Drive, Denver, Colorado

Hosted by Eric Rooney, the founder of Half Moon Farm and Regeneration Earth, this gathering is an easy, caring place to start discussing death and dying with others while connecting in small groups. Throughout the hour together we will share stories; have Q&A and resource-sharing with Eric. Regeneration Earth envisions a society where as humans […]


Conscious Breathwork Vol.04

A fully guided breath journey through which you are able to explore within, transcend your ego, and safely alter your state of consciousness for healing. At a bare minimum, you will have a super charged meditation that provides incredible stress relief. On the other side of the spectrum are an infinite amount of stunning possibilities […]


The Solo Salon: Book Launch Edition

941 Santa Fe Dr, Denver 941 Santa Fe Drive, Denver, Colorado

Come celebrate the Solo movement with the launch of Peter McGraw’s book, Solo-Building A Remarkable Life of Your Own. Information: Thursday 2/1 from 7 pm – 9:30 pm. Program (comedy, talks, and music) starts at 7:45 pm. Admission includes a copy of Solo. Program includes comedy, talks, music, and poetry. Address: Invisible City, 941 Santa Fe […]

Ratio Beerwork’s 2024 Genius Wizard Release Party w/ Laws Whiskey House

Mercury Cafe 2199 California St., Denver, CO, United States

Ratio Beerworks has created two variants of our stout this year which we are excited to debut. Our "OG" Genius Wizard in its traditional form, aged for a year in hand-selected A.D. Laws bourbon barrels, is always the star of the show. Our 2024 variant, "Caramel, Coconut, Chocolate," is our unique take on a Samoa […]

Event Series Pen to Paper, Co-Working at 941 Santa Fe

Pen to Paper, Co-Working at 941 Santa Fe

941 Santa Fe Dr, Denver 941 Santa Fe Drive, Denver, Colorado

Pen to Paper Cafe The Pen to Paper Cafe is a daytime oasis for our Members hosted at our private, eclectic Clubhouse. Work, relax, call your Grandma, write a novel, strike up a conversation, close a deal, or paint a picture. Use this time however you want. Let's be productive together. Fast wifi, delicious drinks, […]

Event Series Massage Sessions with Bailey Harper

Mini Massage Sessions with Bailey Harper

941 Santa Fe Dr, Denver 941 Santa Fe Drive, Denver, Colorado

Step into a world of relaxation with a mini massage session – a quick break in your day. These sessions blend a mix of soft tissue and structural integration techniques, along with gentle joint manipulation to target the neuromuscular system. It's a great way to recharge and get back to productivity with a renewed sense […]

Coven Collective: Creative Entrepreneur Workshop Series Vol.02

941 Santa Fe Dr, Denver 941 Santa Fe Drive, Denver, Colorado

Join Denver's femme DJ & producer community, Coven Collective, for a workshop geared towards creative entrepreneurship. This week they will have their good friend Kenneth Scarborough aka leading an immersive session on the basics of setting up DJ equipment as well as discovering the secrets of live streaming. Learn how to present your art and […]


Meditation with Mango and Zay Vol.02

941 Santa Fe Dr, Denver 941 Santa Fe Drive, Denver, Colorado

Befriend and tame your dragon with the spirit of the Chinese New Year of the Dragon as you melt into a series of yin shapes and somatic pranayama: all with a live soundscape to prepare the mind and body for a guided yoga nidrā meditation. Nidrā in Sanskrit means sleep and a 30 minute practice […]

Free – $33.00

The Variety Pack II

941 Santa Fe Dr, Denver 941 Santa Fe Drive, Denver, Colorado

The Variety Pack with DeEtta Jain is back!   The arguably insignificant thrill of reaching in to a variety pack snack box and grabbing your favorite flavor is one of […]

Free – $15.00

Gaga – Open Adult Dance Class Vol.05

Class will orient around how movement feels, rather than how it looks. There are no mirrors, and participants are guided to connect their movements to their sensations (flesh, skin, bones, […]


Conscious Breathwork Vol.05

941 Santa Fe Dr, Denver 941 Santa Fe Drive, Denver, Colorado

A fully guided breath journey through which you are able to explore within, transcend your ego, and safely alter your state of consciousness for healing. At a bare minimum, you […]


Purpose Hours at Club CiviCO

Civico, 250 Fillmore St, Denver CO 80206 250 Fillmore St #225, Denver, CO, United States

We strive to provide a wide array of experiences for our Members and support the organizations in Denver that are making a difference. Invisible City is proud to be a […]

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