Coven Collective: Creative Entrepreneur Workshop Series Vol.02

941 Santa Fe Dr, Denver 941 Santa Fe Drive, Denver

Join Denver's femme DJ & producer community, Coven Collective, for a workshop geared towards creative entrepreneurship. This week they will have their good friend Kenneth Scarborough aka leading an immersive session on the basics of setting up DJ equipment as well as discovering the secrets of live streaming. Learn how to present your art and […]


Meditation with Mango and Zay Vol.02

941 Santa Fe Dr, Denver 941 Santa Fe Drive, Denver

Befriend and tame your dragon with the spirit of the Chinese New Year of the Dragon as you melt into a series of yin shapes and somatic pranayama: all with a live soundscape to prepare the mind and body for a guided yoga nidrā meditation. Nidrā in Sanskrit means sleep and a 30 minute practice […]

Free – $33.00
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