Membership Social Media Terms

You can choose to connect your Invisible City account to certain Social Media Platforms. If you do so, you can decide to take advantage of a variety of social features, including sending recommendations to Social Media friends and sharing certain Invisible City content automatically. Please be aware that by choosing to connect your Invisible City account to Social Media or to use our social features, you are agreeing to these social terms (“Social Terms”) and are consenting to the collection, use and sharing of information about you with us, that Social Media provider, and others as explained in these Social Terms and in our Privacy Policy.

In addition, we also may use the activity you share to improve the Invisible City experience for other Invisible City users in a way that does not personally identify you to such users. For example, if you have agreed to share on Invisible City, we may use your Invisibles (defined in the Terms of Use) participation history to indicate to other users that certain Invisibles are popular. 

Please review these Social Terms carefully before deciding to connect your Invisible City account to your Social Media or to use our social features, and if you are not comfortable with the sharing involved, do not connect your account to your Social Media and/or use the particular social feature.

By agreeing to these Social Terms, you confirm that you understand and have consented to the following:

Connecting to Social Media
If you sign up for Invisible City using Social Media, or subsequently connect your Invisible City account to your social media, we may collect certain information from your Social Media and use, retain and disclose such information to improve the Invisible City experience and for other reasons explained in these Social Terms and in our Privacy Policy. Such information may include your list of friends, your use of Social Media including your Likes and Interests, as well as your basic information, such as your name and profile picture. It may also include your e-mail address as well as information you make public on Social Media. We may combine information we collect from Social Media with information we collect on Invisible City or from other sources, as further explained in these Social Terms and in our Privacy Policy. The information we collect may change from time to time.

For example, we may use information from Social Media to personalize and improve your experience, our service and marketing efforts, such as disclosing your name and Social Media profile picture to your Social Media friends on Invisible City to encourage them to connect. If you connect your Invisible City account to Social Media as part of signing up for Invisible City, we will also use information from Social Media to create your Invisible City account.

If you connect your Social Media account to Invisible City, anyone using your Invisible City account will be able to use our social features in association with your Social Media account. However, you are to keep your Invisible City Account confidential and are not to share your account with anyone. See Terms of Use for additional details.

Social Features

We offer several social features to enhance your Invisible City experience, as explained below. Please note these features may change from time to time and may vary by device, including the exact manner and extent of information shared as well as the choices available to manage these features.

Sharing with friends on Invisible City
If you choose to share on Invisible City, you are consenting to have what Invisibles you attend automatically shared with your Social Media friends. This sharing occurs within the Invisible City service, not on Social Media, and includes your past as well as future Invisible City activity. Please note that your privacy settings on Social Media do not apply to sharing on Invisible City. As a result, if you choose to connect your Social Media and Invisible City accounts and enable automatic sharing, any of your Social Media friends may be able to see your Invisible City activity on Invisible City, regardless of your Social Media privacy settings.

Sharing controls
We provide the following controls over sharing your Invisible City activity: You can turn off ongoing sharing by clicking on the “Your Account” link, selecting “Social Settings,” and then toggling the share button to off.

Disconnecting from Social Media
If you have connected your Social Media account to Invisible City, you can disconnect by clicking on the “Your Account” link, selecting “Social Settings” and then selecting “disconnect.” Disconnecting will prevent any future use of social features, including automatic sharing of future activity. 

The features and mechanisms described above may change over time; if you are having any difficulties in using any of the mechanisms described herein, or have questions, please email us at: [Attn: Social Media].

Last Updated: 7/24/2023