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Amarsi Anniversary Party

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Event Category:
September 9, 2023
5:00 pm - 10:00 pm
941 Santa Fe Dr, Denver
Free (Text Curator for ticket.) Non-Members secure tickets through the below link.
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Tonight, we Dive. Deep. Join us in a curated experience celebrating the fifth anniversary of Amarsi Breathwork hosted by the Founder, Claudia Nanino.  In her own words:

“Thank you for being a part of this journey with me.  This is my dream – living in service to others.  Helping others heal themselves and sharing breathwork with as many as people as possible.  Let’s celebrate 5 years with my biggest breathwork experience yet. I’ve been imagining this for years.”   -Claudia Nanino

5-7 PM
100 people
Ceremonial Cacao
Conscious Breathwork
Sound healing with Soundularity

7-10 PM
Up to 300 people
Fire performance
Tarot readers
90s hip hop and R&B dance party
Maiz food truck



Claudia Nanino is a master breathwork facilitator, crystal curator, and an explorer of non-ordinary states of consciousness. A Colorado native born to immigrant parents, she found herself in a dark night of the soul in 2016 and sought out nontraditional self development and healing modalities, after more western approaches felt out of alignment and left her feeling stuck in logic. She began to rebuild her life and catapulted her spiritual evolution with various teachers, healers, and practices. Then she found Conscious Breathwork and her healing was brought to the next level. She felt true embodiment and integration of everything she had been working so hard on and was able to finally forgive and love all aspects of herself. Answering her soul’s calling, she earned a breathwork certification by completing over 250 hours of hands-on training, and has left her corporate career behind to fully devote herself to helping others heal themselves. She has now led over a thousand breath journeys globally and trains others. Please visit www.amarsi.love for more info.

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